Take advantage of this Columbia 26’
It needs to be sold!
Start sailing now!
The Columbia 26, designed by William H. Tripp Jr., were manufactured between 1969 and 1977 with 950 units built.
This vessel is Hull #443.
She is Sloop Rigged sailing yacht.
With a fibreglass hull, minimum maintenance is required and this particular hull has been recently bottom painted.
The Mark II comes with a fin keel and shallow draft allowing anchorage in areas other vessels can’t access
With a high freeboard, you tend to stay drier when out racing or pleasure cruising.
This is a well built vessel and has stood the test of time, being used almost everywhere.
The aluminum mast is Stepped on deck and a newer Roller Furling is installed at the head stay.
Her 2003 8.0 hp Johnson Bombardier long shaft outboard motor was serviced May 2024, and is ready to go.
A Danforth anchor with chain and rode provides adequate holding power for this vessel.
In 2016, a Yamaha 9.9hp x-long, tilller power with tilt was purchased for the Columbia 26 and can be made available as an option to the Johnson 8.0hp presently onboard.
Below deck there is lots of room with good head clearance for a 26’ vessel
This particular Columbia has a wood burning stove aboard for those cool and damp days at sea.
There is a head aboard along with an alcohol stove [2011] and interior lighting.
We are looking for offers on this Columbia 26.
It’s a great starter boat for those interested in fun aboard a sailboat.
Research online has values ranging from $3500 up!
Contact us if you’re interested?