Shore power - 30 amp
Battery charger - Xantrex Tru-Charge 40 amp automatic charger with Victron Energy battery monitor and batter isolator
Inverter - XPOWER 400 watt
Solar 100 watt x 2 flexible
Start battery - 1 lifeline GPL 27T new in 2022
House batteries - Lithium ion 560 amp/hr House battery bank with OVERKILL SOLAR 120A 4S 12V battery management system for the 4-cell LifePo 4 batteries
2022 - Re-wiring of charging and battery switch wiring, new 110 Amp Altenator and Balmar external regulator
VHF - Standard Horizon MATRI AIS GX 2100
VHF - Standard Horizon RAM 3 cockpit
Autohelm - Multi-function repeater for boat speed, wind, depth and heading
Autohelm - Speed
Autohelm - Wind
Autohelm - Depth
GPS Chartplotter - Lowrance with 3G radar and AIS
Stove - Hillerange propane 2 burner with oven
Refrigeration - Adler Barbour top loading fridge/freezer
Heating - Planar diesel forced air and bus heater
Mainsail - Dacron in good condition
Roller furled Genoa - Dacron new in 2018
Asymmetrical Spinnaker - Ripstop nylon
Winches - Lewmar No 48 2 speed self tailing x 2
Winches - Lewmar No 30 2 speed self tailing x 2
Stainless steel BBQ
Spare engine parts and macerator pump
Engine Hoist New 2023
LED Masthead Light with Automatic Sensor
Cockpit anchor control
Feathering autoprop
Cockpit shower
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