Formula 34 PC 2006 109 000,00 $ CAD *

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109 000,00 $ CAD *

This FORMULA 34 PC is a sporty beauty

She has been so meticulously maintained that she is not only super clean but ready to rock the sea!  

Fully equipped with powerful twin Mercruiser 496s, bow thruster, AC, Raymarine Electronics and  Davit System, she is turn key ready to go!

It’s a rare boat that has earned the right to call itself a performance cruiser-and Formula’s 34PC has earned that right. It has a wave-taming deep-V hull that runs nearly 50 mph and can buttonhook turns like a bass boat with a jackplate. It’s also packaged with enough flash and dash to keep you cruising in high style. Built extra-durable, the 34PC looks stunning. You can almost hear it proclaim, “I have arrived!” as you sidle up to the dock.

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